Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin lifting, is a non-surgical method of skin tightening.

The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of the skin known as the dermis. This heat stimulates collagen production.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It is a fibrous protein, a major component of connective tissue. Collagen connects and supports all tissues in the human body - skin, bones, tendons, muscles, cartilage. It creates the framework of our skin and gives it firmness and elasticity.

Normally, after the age of 25, cells produce less collagen. By losing collagen, the skin loses its structural framework, which leads to sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Sagging skin appears visibly around the age of 35-40, when the quantity and quality of our collagen begins to significantly decrease.

In the fight against sagging skin and signs of aging, RF therapy has been used since the beginning of the 21st century. In this article, we'll look at how radio frequency (RF) therapy works and what potential benefits it has for your skin.

How radio frequency (RF) skin tightening therapy works
RF waves heat the deep layer of the skin to a temperature of 50–75°C.
Studies have found that maintaining a temperature above 46°C for more than 3 minutes causes the human body to release proteins, which in turn stimulate the body to produce new collagen fibers.

What are radio frequency waves?
Radiofrequency waves heat the deeper layers of the skin, thereby triggering the production of new collagen and elastin. RF waves promote cell turnover and help the skin become firmer, denser and younger looking.

An advantage of using RF to heat tissue, as opposed to lasers (which use higher frequency light waves), is that the lower RF frequency can safely penetrate to a deeper level, helping to improve tone and skin structure, even for tissue lifting. Furthermore, patients with different skin tones can be safely treated with RF without the risk of permanent depigmentation.

Radio frequency waves are a type of radiation, i.e. energy is released in the form of electromagnetic waves. According to the amount of energy that is released, the radiation can be low-energy or high-energy. Unlike X-rays (which are an example of high-energy radiation), RF waves are low-energy - like other waves we use in our daily lives, for example: radio waves, WiFi and microwave radiation.

Main benefits

The main benefits of RF therapy are skin tightening, wrinkle removal and sun damage.
· Combat sun damage - Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause the skin's collagen fibers to break down.

· Wrinkles and fine lines - RF-therapy visibly reduces wrinkles.

· Facial contouring – Radiofrequency treatment has seen a significant improvement in sagging facial skin and smoothing of the contour.

· For facial slimming – RF-therapy has the potential to be used as a non-surgical method to remove accumulated fat on the face.

· Body Sculpting – RF waves can help tighten loose skin all over the body.

Dangers of radiofrequency skin treatment

RF lifting is considered safe, however, in some cases side effects are observed, such as: temporary swelling, transient redness and short-term numbness.

In general, people with darker skin are at higher risk of side effects from laser and radiofrequency treatments.

Although the long-term effects are not fully known, there is currently no conclusive evidence to suggest that RF radiation poses a risk to human health.

The form of radio frequency radiation used during radio frequency lifting is similar to the type of radiation emitted by other devices commonly used in our daily lives, such as cell phones or WiFi.

Radiofrequency skin lifting at home

RF-therapy devices for home use are now available with undisputed effectiveness in rejuvenating and toning the skin without side effects. Here you can take a look at our offers - innovative devices that make professional care for the health and beauty of our skin accessible, even at home: Device for radio frequency lifting RF, needle-free mesotherapy and LED function and Silk'n FaceTite Velvet.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Before undertaking any therapy, we recommend that you always consult a specialist.